“ Say : I seek refuge with (Allah ) the lord of mankind, The king of mankind, The Ilah ( God ) of mankind, From the evil of the whisperer ( devi l who whispers evil in the hearts of men) , who withdraws ( from his whispering in one’s heart after one remembers Allah ), Who whispers in the breasts of mankind , Of jinns and men.”

Four Qul In Arabic Pdf Software

The 4 Quls

The 4 Quls are known as protecting Surahs. Surah Al-Kafiroun and Al-Ikhlas protect from shirk. Surahs Al-Falaq and An-Naas protect from mischief of created things, envy, magic and the whisperings of the shaitaan.
According to the Hadith, Surah Al-Ikhlas reward is equivalent to one third of the Quran while Surah Al-Kafiroun is one quarter.
All the Surahs start with the word 'Qul' which in Arabic means 'say'. Hence the four Surahs are collectively called as 'the four quls'. Prophet Muhammad(S.A.W) would get revelations from Allah(S.W.T) which would start with the word 'say' and he would repeat exactly, the revelations to people.

Four Qul In Arabic Pdf Software Online

The 4 Quls start as:
[109.1] Say: O unbelievers
[112.1] Say: He is Allah, the One
[113.1] Say: I seek refuge with (Allah) the Lord of Daybreak
[114.1] Say: I seek refuge with (Allah)